Friday, October 20, 2017

How to set a healthy diet

There are many ways to lose weight, but the side effects that must be experienced by the mother is a prolonged hunger to uncontrolled appetite every time. Is there an effective way to lose weight does not make the body 'ask for more'? Kris Gunnars, BSc from Authority Nutrition also exposed a healthy diet to support your weight loss program.

1. High Protein Breakfast

Start the day with a quality breakfast. In order to feel satiety last longer, Mother can add protein intake into cereal breakfast menu. According to a study from the International Journal of Obesity who studied the diet of 30 women aged 25 to 60 years, found that women who eat high protein foods such as egg whites are able to withstand hunger, so weight lost as much as 65%.

2. Drink More Water

Drink mineral water without a mixture of sweeteners or other ingredients. Mom can get used to drinking a glass of water, half an hour before eating. Similarly, if the hunger comes, drink a glass of water first. Not all hungry signals indicate the body needs food, it turns out there are certain conditions that become false signals that cause hunger. Sometimes the hunger that arises in fact is the thirst felt by the body. Therefore, try drinking some water first and wait for the results. The habit of drinking water can also help you lose weight and lower your caloric intake up to 44%.
3. Complete with Fiber

"Fiber in the diet serves to bind water in large quantities, allowing the rest of the food can be more easily digested and quickly out," said nutritionist Tuti Soenardi. So with a lot of fiber consumption, digestion will be more smoothly and also can maximize the disposal of substances that are not needed by the body. Mothers aged 50 years and under should consume 25 grams of fiber per day while men 38 grams. By increasing fiber intake, the mother can also reduce the risk of heart problems and type 2 diabetes.

4. Vegetable & Fruit Snack

Many nutrition experts describe one of the failures when lowering the diet is to consume unhealthy snacks, thus making the body change calories in snacks into fat. Although fruits and vegetables also have calories, but high fiber and water content in fruits and vegetables, it is better to digest and be able to withstand hunger. Keep in mind the vegetables should be cooked with processed without adding extra calories, just steamed or boiled. So also with the fruit, do not add syrup or other artificial sweetener yes bu.

5. Small Portions But Often

When the mother is starving, of course the main menu becomes more and sometimes can be crazy when eating them. Yuk, bu tried to change a little habit when eating it, namely by dividing a large portion of the meal into several small portions for several meals. It is good to keep your metabolism active and prevent the desire to snack dating becomes less frequent.
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