Thursday, October 19, 2017

How to save on shopping

8 Ways to Save Money On Monthly Shopping For Housewife Quite

Family financial planning is influenced by 2 main things: how much you earn, the source from anywhere and how much your monthly expenditure as a family. Let's say your income is fixed and have not found an additional source of income so to balance revenue and expenditure one important thing you should do is save your monthly spending money.

Are you still confused how to do it? Or have done but still less effective? Check out the following powerful tips:

1. Use System 31 Envelopes to Save
This method though looks classic but quite effectively tried. As a housewife in charge of spending money, you just need to prepare 31 pieces of empty envelopes to start this 31-envelope system.

The next step is to take all your money and put it in an appropriate envelope like paying the mortgage or rent, buying a month's rice, paying the utility bills, water, phone, gas money, gas, pocket money, and savings for emergency funds. Write a shopping date from 1 to 31. After all is filled, the rest is money for investment. If done in an orderly manner, housewives will be challenged to be more creative in managing monthly spending money.
2. Do not Focus on Brand
The more often you walk to the mall or supermarket, then the temptation to shop will get bigger. Temptations become stronger when many promos, discounts from various famous brands with a variety of interesting offers ranging from household products such as sugar, oil, snacks, tissues, floor cleaners, and so forth. Do not be tempted, compare with other brands that are cheaper. Gratitude if you can buy unbranded products but have the same function.
3. Let Hold Old Hold Good Food
Some food stores such as rice cabinets, refrigerators or airtight containers can make food more durable. If this goes on continuously and becomes a culture in the family then it will save you monthly spending money.

4. Create a Weekly Food Menu List
The principle that starts from this habit is worth a try. By making a list of food menu weekly then our shopping patterns will be controlled so that we avoid buying food that ultimately redundant.

5. Record the Shopping Plan and Save the Purchase Note
The easiest way to record shopping is to stick to the notes on the refrigerator, what items are gone, so when shopping we do not look around other goods, or can also try to buy promotional products (down the price or buy 1 get 2). In this way you can save money so that next month no need to buy the product again. For controlled expenses keep a shopping bill. The purpose of keeping this bill is so that we can compare prices this month and last month. That way you will know when the price is cheap and where to buy cheap products.

6. View and Compare Before Buying
We recommend that you buy products at once in large quantities, select only 'special' products from each supermarket. It would be better if you are willing to replace the meat with protein foods, such as eggs or tofu-tempeh. Consumption of meat is delicious but if excess is not good for health and the price is also more expensive. Also compare the products you want to buy in some supermarkets, for example, supermarket A the price of fish is cheaper than supermarket B but tissues, floor cleaners, sugar, sometimes also produced supermarkets with different prices but the quality is quite good and obviously cheaper.

7. Reduce the Use of Credit Cards When Shopping
Maybe your salary is quite a lot, so often unconsciously over budget aka uncontrolled shopping. This is due to the ease when buying goods with pay behind. The credit card of one of the paid cultural supporters behind it. If you do not realize it quickly, you will eventually realize that your money is not as much as you think. Beware of post-payday psychological effects make us seem to be a "rich man" who in fact all end up in the tragic thin sac before the time.

So the solution is to get used to pay all the bills up front, then do the investment after that new shopping.

8. Hunting Discounts

Not why you are dubbed Mendis aka Mental Discount, which is important to save money. Observe every day and look for promos or discounts that are profitable for you that are usually found in large supermarkets. Make sure the product you purchased does not expire and you really need it.
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