Friday, October 20, 2017

A promising business opportunity in 2017

The promising and profitable business and business opportunities of 2017 Some of the types of businesses that we will discuss below are expected to be a source of special reference for the beginner, and want to start his career in the field of small business but quite potential to bring in big income.

# 1 Online Business (Internet Marketer)
Online business or internet marketers (IM) will occupy the top positions in business and business opportunities that will be a trend for the year 2017, because it has been proven to have a growth rate so significant that it can be considered quite promising to be occupied.

Even this digital-based technology will be turned into one of 2018 business opportunities are very potential and can be counted on as a field of business, given the internet users in the world is increasingly soar uncontrollable even has become the daily life needs of the community. And this is the best opportunity that can be an opportunity to open a business.

This type of business can start with a small capital, the most important is to have online facilities and internet access, so pursue business in the field of online can be spelled out so fun, because it can be done from anywhere as long as there is internet network, and anytime even allows you to work without having to move from the bedroom though.

# 2 Franchise - The newest franchise for beginners
Business and Business food franchises are profitable Want to start a business but is constrained by the lack of ideas and has no experience, or feel less confident to pioneer it yourself, then choosing the type of franchise business can be the solution.

It can be said that most suitable for a beginner because run this franchise business model they will be assisted by the owner of the franchise (brand holder) from training to the stage of the process.

As a beginner will not be confused with the concept of business to be lived, they just stay running according to kamampuan capital by staying shelter under the brand name of a franchise company selected or in follow.

# 3 Creative industry
Discussing the idea of ​​creative business certainly requires expertise and high creativity from the hands of skilled hands to produce a product that is worth selling.

The emergence of the idea to start or pursue creative business can start from a talent or even from the original just a hobby. And this is a breakthrough business opportunity that is quite feasible to consider because there is a statement that the most enjoyable job is a paid hobby.

Here are some examples of creative business ideas that are proven to be very profitable and profitable.

Design drawing - Having the expertise of designing images or other types of graphics is a very potential business opportunity even for the year 2017 is still a lot of design services required by consumers. Such as the design of t-shirts distro, logo design, cutting stickers and photo editing services.
Recycling - Utilizing used goods, optimizing your talents and skills and creativity by making new products worth selling. Example: Make sourvenir from the former matches that have high selling value.
Culinary Field - Creating a menu or processed with new creations that can attract consumer interest such as when ngetrendnya rainbow cake, round tofu, satanic noodles, robbery noodles and much more.
Many people who initially pursue this creative business only as a side business, but because it has been able to feel its potential, it is not uncommon to make it as the main job in the end.

# 4 Entertainment industry - Entertainment
Business Opportunities Entertainment

Business and business opportunities in the year 2017 especially for the entertainment field or entertainment will certainly grow more rapidly in line with the economic growth of this country.

For this type of business is classified as very fast generating income and very profitable because it usually involves the rich people who will become consumers.

In terms of capital can indeed be said to require funds that are not small to be able to run this entertainment business. But if you are keen to read opportunities, in fact there are many diversity entertainment business that can be started with a small capital.
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How to housewife business in 2017

Business housewives selected should be a workable business at home. Why? Because home-based business housewives can be done together with taking care of the household and do not need much capital so it is not burdensome. There are many businesses for housewives who can run easily and little capital. If you are still bingug in choosing, here are some reviews about the idea of ​​a housewife's business or business inspiration suitable for housewives especially because it is easy to do and does not require large capital. What are the inspirations of the housewife business that can be done? Let's look together.

1  Business services
Business in the field of services is one of the profitable field of housewives who can be selected because this type of business mainly only capitalize skill or ability that qualified. The ability that can be used as an inpsirasi to open the business for example is the ability to cook, the ability to play a musical instrument well, the ability to speak with foreign languages, the ability to draw and paint, and so forth. If you have special skills, then business in the field of service is very worth your try. As for the efforts that can be used as an inspiration for the 2017 housewives business is as follows.

2  Catering services
For those of you who have a high enough cooking skills, catering business will become a profitable business opportunity housewives. Especially if your cuisine is not only tasty, but also creative. Your creativity in cooking for example by providing a menu of matches between one dish with other dishes so that more intriguing, as well as the arrangement of food in cardboard or box dining is unique and interesting, especially for catering that is devoted to children. Target marketing of services this catering is quite diverse. For those of you who have enough free time in the morning, you can target students and office workers who definitely need a lunch catering. In addition to students and office workers, you can also target some events as large party orders that you can occasionally serve if your time is loose enough. You can start handling small events first such as RT and RW arisan and regular meetings in some places. For you, housewives who have lots of free time and confident with your cooking ability, this business is promising to do . In addition to the target consumers are quite a lot, the required capital is not too high. You can do these activities at home without disturbing family activities and you can make as a side business housewife who has good prospects for growth in the future.

3  Laundry service kilogram
Home business for the second housewife is to open laundry service. Washing clothes is one of the activities that everyone has to do. However, there are many people especially those who have a solid job, do not have the free time to wash clothes. On this basis is a business opportunity for housewives in the form of laundry services to be one promising business. This type of business is not the type of business housewives without capital, because it requires at least a washing machine and clothes dryer so that during the rainy season, clothes can still dry up to maximum. However, the calculation of the return of capital can be spelled out quite quickly considering the laundry service is needed especially for those who live in the campus area. Students with a myriad of activities must be hard to take time to wash clothes. Here is a laundry service to be one business you can lakoni.Hal you need to prepare to start your laundry business include washing machine, clothes dryer, hanger, iron, and some other additional equipment including scales to measure how many pounds of clothes will be in laundry by the customer. Laundry business does not require any special skill so anyone can run it. If this business can run smoothly and can grow, this promising housewife business can not only benefit you, but also the surrounding people who need jobs, the article you can hire them to help you in running your business. This will certainly be very good for the environment, because we play a role to create jobs for those in need.

4  Translation services
Translation service is a suitable business for housewives who have excellent ability in foreign languages. Indeed not everyone has this amazing skill, but for those of you who have studied foreign languages ​​at school and are competent in that field, you can make it an advantage to be an interpreter. Being a translator can be done with a flexible time and tailored to your activities as a housewife. This business also includes home business housewives without capital because it only requires your language skills saja.Untuk netted consumers, you can do it online or by word of mouth. This type of business is good enough for those of you who have a capable foreign language skills and want to take advantage of limited time to produce something useful.

5  Sewing services
Business housewives small capital services field which is next business sewing service clothing. Sewing is a capability controlled by many women. If you are one of the housewives who have a sewing skill, you can open a sewing service. Sewing service is still much sought after by many people because some people often do not have a suitable size for their bodies so that sewing services are needed. Sewing service itself is a business for housewives are quite promising, especially if the results of your stitches nice to wear and have a model in accordance with customer demand. Especially if you have additional capabilities such as not only can sew it, but you can sew kebaya in various models or have the ability to embroidery. This will certainly be your added value. The cost for sewing kebaya will require extra attention, but will also generate extra profits too. That must be considered in running this home mom business is neatness and accuracy and timely service. These three things include things that will make customers feel satisfied and want to re-make clothes in your place. In addition to paying attention to the above, you also must have a broad insight into the world of fashion and what is the current trend. Reading various references like the latest fashion magazines or monitoring them through internet and television media can help you improve your insights about the fashion world. This will greatly help you if there are customers who ask your advice about the clothes they want to make. Customers will be very happy if you have a wide knowledge of the world of fashion because you can share with customers and understand what kind of clothing is actually wanted or intended customer. In addition to open sewing service, you can also open training or sewing courses for those who want to learn sewing clothes. By opening the course, in addition to running a home business for housewives, you also contribute and contribute to improving the welfare of the surrounding community by training them to have a sewing skill. So that not only activities that are commercial, you can also actively participate in activities that are social.

6  Course teaching services
Course teaching services are business for housewives with little capital you can do at home if you have a taught ability. Some of these abilities include the ability in the field of art such as the ability to play a musical instrument with skill, the ability to paint, the ability to make ceramics, and so on. You can also open subject courses for elementary students up to high school if you want. Opening the course services including home based business housewives without capital because the priority in teaching the course is your ability to teach and make students you teach understand. If the conditions are met, then you can open a course or tutoring at home without capital though.

7  Business sales of goods

In addition to business in the field of services, there is also a business that can be done by selling something. This business can be used as a small business housewives who can be done without having to master a certain skill. What is needed from doing this business is consistent and have good service so that customers are satisfied and willing to come back to buy the goods you sell. As for some examples of business ideas for the housewife are among others as follows.
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10 Ways to Maintain Body Health Everyday

1. Fill the fibrous food

The body needs fiber-containing foods to keep the body from attacking bacteria, the fiber also serves to stimulate the smooth expenditure of dirt from our body through the activity of the intestinal tract. Dirt in our bodies will be easily removed if the fiber needs are met. If dirt in the body is difficult to remove due to lack of fiber, the dirt in the body can accumulate so it can be toxic in the body and cause disease. Meet your body needs with enough fiber. Foods that contain high fiber include:

Kiwi fruit - Kiwis are the fruits that contain the highest fiber than other fruits. Fiber content in kiwi fruit 3.0 gram / 100 gram fiber. You can consume kiwi with juice or make other menu that you like like fruit soup. To avoid boredom by just eating kiwi fruit directly.
Red beans - Red beans also include foods that contain high fiber. In addition to high fiber red beans contain protein and iron are very good for health.
Avocado Fruit - Avocados contain high fiber which is good for the health of the body. Avocado contains unsaturated fats that can reduce the risk of heart disease and can lower cholesterol. This fruit can be consumed with various menus such as juz, eaten with milk, fruit ice and other menus seseai with your taste.
Corn - Corn is a food that can replace rice or staple food because of the carbohydrate content in it. In addition to foods containing carbohydrates, corn contains a high enough fiber. Corn can be consumed with vegetables, pudding, or snacks such as popcorn.
Beans - Beans include vegetables that contain high fiber. In addition to containing high fiber beans also contains antioxidants that are good for health and prevent heart attacks or heart disease cancer.
Oatmeal - Oatmeal is a food that contains high fiber. Consumption of oatmeal for breakfast is great for healthy body. Oatmeal is also a diet rich in fiber with a special type as a food to lower cholesterol in the body. Boost the immune system of the fiber named beta glucan.
Peas - Peas are a type of nuts that contain high fiber. One cup of peas contains 16.3 grams of fiber.
2. Breakfast before 9 o'clock

Breakfast is very important to maintain the health of our body. It has been agreed by some experts that the best breakfast is breakfast before 9 am. Breakfast is very important because in the morning our stomach condition is empty because it has been processed when we rest at night which is about 7 to 8 hours.

Breakfast is our source of energy for daytime activities. Leaving breakfast can cause the body becomes weak, lethargic, less powerful and hard to think. In children breakfast can increase the strength and intelligence in thinking so as to improve learning achievement. Breakfast for can meet energy needs as much as 15 to 30% of daily energy and nutritional needs. In addition to meeting the energy needs of the breakfast body was also able to prevent obesity and hipokolesterol.

3. Eat a healthy food 4 perfect 5

Fill your body's right to get a perfect 4 healthy meal. The perfect 4 healthy foods include rice, side dishes, vegetables, fruit and milk. Rice is a staple food as a source of carbohydrates, side dishes as a source of protein, vegetables as a source of minerals and fruit as a source of vitamins. Milk is a perfect complement to the need to increase energy and meet our bone needs.

To get a healthy food menu 5 perfect 5 does not have to be expensive. Many fruits, vegetables and healthy side dishes can be purchased at an affordable price. No need to expensive the essential human nutritional needs of the body needs are met perfectly to keep the body healthy.

4. Keep hygiene and hygiene food

All foods you consume should be kept clean. Foods such as fruits and vegetables are washed before you consume them. If cooking your food, cook it perfectly. Immature foods that are perfectly at risk still contain bacteria that can harm your body's health.

5. Avoid eating too often instant foods

Instant food has a practical advantage presented and tasty but has more negative effects for the health of the body. Instant food is very friendly for those of you who are busy with activities and jobs such as office workers or college students. One of the instant foods that are easily served are instant noodles. Do not consume too much instant noodles because of the many chemical substances in it such as sodium polyphosphate, sodium carbonate, potassium
5. Avoid eating too often instant foods

Instant food has a practical advantage presented and tasty but has more negative effects for the health of the body. Instant food is very friendly for those of you who are busy with activities and jobs such as office workers or college students. One of the instant foods that are easily served are instant noodles. Do not consume too much instant noodles because of the many chemical substances in it such as sodium polyphosphate, sodium carbonate, potassium carbonate, waxy substances and food coloring that all these substances are not good if too often enter into our bodies.

We do not mean should not consume at all instant food but not too often, maximum once a week. In cooking instant noodles also in the right way that is not to cook the spice noodles in a fire that burns but sprinkle seasoning when the noodles have been cooked and are in the dish. When cooking the noodles of the cooking water is replaced with a new one, because the noodles contain wax so that the noodle products contain a lot of candles and if enter into the body will be dangerous.

6. Portion control

Excessive eating portion will not increase body health but it can cause many diseases. If you eat too much portion then the risk of fat will be higher. People who are fat will be more susceptible to various diseases and obesity. Eat with a reasonable portion.
Some of the dangers of eating with excessive portion of them will lead to diabetes, impaired function of brain insulin signals, stunted psychological growth, sugar levels can rise higher, the body generates a lot of free radicals, and other negative effects.
Body needs of water every day is at least 1.5 liters or equivalent to about 8 cups. Water is needed by the body to meet the body's need for fluids. Our body 70% consists of liquid so the need for water needs to be met. How to maintain a healthy body with the benefits of water, can not be replaced by other water. White water is the most healthy water for the body and harmless to the body. Benefits known to the layman may only relieve thirst in the body, but actually white water has many benefits for the health of our bodies.

Some of the benefits of water for the body such as:

Maintain fluid balance in the body
Controlling calories in the body
Increase energy
Helps remove toxins in the body
Helps keep kidney function in good condition
Increase productivity in the body
Improve brain function
Launching the circulatory system
Treating headaches
By looking at the facts of the many benefits of water, from now on drink plenty of water to keep the body healthy
8. Reduce coffee

For those of you fans of coffee reduce your coffee consumption if you want your body to stay healthy. Coffee contains a caffeine hazard that if consumed in a lot of levels will cause negative effects on the health of the body. High caffeine content in kpo can slow the heart's performance.

9. Avoid consuming isotonic drinks too often

Isotonic drinks are sold a lot does have a better taste but if we consume too often it is not good for the health of the body. Isotonic drinks contain lots of chemicals and preservatives that are not good for the health of the body. Better if you consume juz drink or coconut water.

Juice from fresh fruit will meet the needs of vitamins in the body, coconut water that has many benefits for the body will help remove toxins that are in your body. Water head is great for body health because its natural content can replace lost body ions due to day activities. Head water is also good for the health of pregnant women.

10. Avoid the habit of staying up

For those who do a lot of activity during the day then avoid staying up late in the night. Stay up late will make the body condition becomes less healthy because the night wind is not good for the body. The effects of staying up late can cause many diseases in our body such as:

weight problems
the immune system weakens
heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, headaches, weak reflexes, reduced life expectancy
in the long term can damage nerve cells in the brain

Seeing the many risks that can interfere with your body's health should avoid staying up late.
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How to set a healthy diet

There are many ways to lose weight, but the side effects that must be experienced by the mother is a prolonged hunger to uncontrolled appetite every time. Is there an effective way to lose weight does not make the body 'ask for more'? Kris Gunnars, BSc from Authority Nutrition also exposed a healthy diet to support your weight loss program.

1. High Protein Breakfast

Start the day with a quality breakfast. In order to feel satiety last longer, Mother can add protein intake into cereal breakfast menu. According to a study from the International Journal of Obesity who studied the diet of 30 women aged 25 to 60 years, found that women who eat high protein foods such as egg whites are able to withstand hunger, so weight lost as much as 65%.

2. Drink More Water

Drink mineral water without a mixture of sweeteners or other ingredients. Mom can get used to drinking a glass of water, half an hour before eating. Similarly, if the hunger comes, drink a glass of water first. Not all hungry signals indicate the body needs food, it turns out there are certain conditions that become false signals that cause hunger. Sometimes the hunger that arises in fact is the thirst felt by the body. Therefore, try drinking some water first and wait for the results. The habit of drinking water can also help you lose weight and lower your caloric intake up to 44%.
3. Complete with Fiber

"Fiber in the diet serves to bind water in large quantities, allowing the rest of the food can be more easily digested and quickly out," said nutritionist Tuti Soenardi. So with a lot of fiber consumption, digestion will be more smoothly and also can maximize the disposal of substances that are not needed by the body. Mothers aged 50 years and under should consume 25 grams of fiber per day while men 38 grams. By increasing fiber intake, the mother can also reduce the risk of heart problems and type 2 diabetes.

4. Vegetable & Fruit Snack

Many nutrition experts describe one of the failures when lowering the diet is to consume unhealthy snacks, thus making the body change calories in snacks into fat. Although fruits and vegetables also have calories, but high fiber and water content in fruits and vegetables, it is better to digest and be able to withstand hunger. Keep in mind the vegetables should be cooked with processed without adding extra calories, just steamed or boiled. So also with the fruit, do not add syrup or other artificial sweetener yes bu.

5. Small Portions But Often

When the mother is starving, of course the main menu becomes more and sometimes can be crazy when eating them. Yuk, bu tried to change a little habit when eating it, namely by dividing a large portion of the meal into several small portions for several meals. It is good to keep your metabolism active and prevent the desire to snack dating becomes less frequent.
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Thursday, October 19, 2017

5 The most popular food

Food or cuisine is one that can make a country become famous in the world of course with the quality and taste of the typical cuisine itself. Of course if a region has good food that is good, surely culinary lovers around the world want to try to taste it. Curiosity must be in the minds of culinary lovers of the world if you know in the region there is good food.

One of the places where there is good food is a great country like the United States which is certainly a great country ready to offer delicious food. In this culinary place this particular american food in particular, presents a variety of fast food that is delicious. Of course it is a country whose society is busy, so need an instant food for consumption.

This typical American union food seems obligatory for us to discuss at which is one of the best culinary sites in Indonesia. Some typical American food union is certainly already very familiar with us, the article in Indonesia began to crowded american food union. Therefore please check out the list of the best and most popular union American foods around the world.

United States Food List of the Most Popular and Popular
1 Hotdog
The typical American food that we will discuss at is Hotdog which of course for you fast food lovers are very familiar with this unique American food union. The reason Hotdog is an american food that has long been popular in Indonesia, even worldwide are already familiar with this one food. Many variants that you can choose from Hotdog at the present time.

Of course if you feel bored enough with other fast food you can enjoy american food named Hotdog. Bread in which there are some delicious ingredients in the mix with a delicious sauce that of course this american food can shake your tongue to the maximum. Usually for the process of making, Hotdog is roasted by using charcoal to get a distinctive flavor.

2 Tuna sandwiches
The following unions are typical foods that are usually called Tuna sandwiches. One of the most popular delicacies in the United States and certainly very good for your health. Because the typical American food called Tuna this sandwich is a food in which there is a lot of protein content.

A very popular food in the United States is certainly no less popular with other food trends that exist in America. Just the info alone, it turns out that in the united states one of the main foods that are there is tuna, so food like Tuna sandwich is very in interest in this united states country. Are you curious about the united American food called Tuna sandwich?

3 French Fries
The typical American food is the most delicious and one of the most popular foods of its kind in its own country or even in the world of food is the typical American food that many people usually call by the name French fries. This American food is one of the fast food that many enjoyed by world culinary enthusiasts, this is because the French fries food is very tasty and tasty.

American food called French fries is a food made from fried potatoes, usually american food is in use as a food companion either heavy food or snacks. In the spare time of american society, one of the food that became friends gathered together is French fries or French homemade fries.

4 Pizza
The best and most popular american food in the world is one of the typical American foods to be discussed at, the food we mean is a Pizza that is very legendary and popular all over the world. Food called Pizza is a fast food that is not only popular in America alone, in Indonesia you can find some places that sell this Pizza.

Most of the Pizza made by hand, but this one food hygienic, because the manufacturing process has a certain standard. Even many people on a diet or run a weight loss program consume this Pizza fast food. Today there are thousands of eating places that sell american union food around the world, so it's easier for us to enjoy it.

5  Pot Roast
Unique American food is next to a very popular food in the country there. The food we mean is Pot Roast which is a very suitable meal if it is served in winter. Pot Roast itself is a food made of potatoes, beef and carrots which of course if in combining the materials we mentioned was able to shake our tongue

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Foods Containing High Protein

Here are the types of foods that contain lots of protein, including:

1. Meat (20-36 gr protein / 100gr)

Some types of meat contain lots of protein, the following tables of nutritional content in some types of meat.

Nutritional content every 100 grams of meat

Type of Fat Meat Fatty Protein
Fish 110 - 140 20 - 35 1 - 5
Chicken Breast 160 28 7
Young lamb 250 30 14
Beef 210 - 450 25 - 36 7 - 35
 2. Tuna (29 g protein / 100 gr)

Tuna is a type of marine fish that has red and white meat. This fish is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids. In addition tuna fish also contains many proteins. Of 100 grams of tuna can produce 29 g protein.

In addition to omega 3 and protein in tuna fish also contains vitamin A and D, choline, calcium, phosphos, iron, magnesium, and zinc.

3. Egg (12.6 gr / 100 gr) - Especially White Egg

Eggs are one of the best sources of protein on earth. Protein content in eggs is very easy to digest. In addition, there is hardly any unsaturated fat in it, so we can get all the protein from it. And also the content of calories in eggs is also very low.

Protein content in each 100 grams of eggs is 12.6 grams. In addition to protein we can also get other nutrients from eggs, including vitamins and minerals, including retinol [31] (vitamin A), riboflavin (vitamin B2), folic acid (vitamin B9), vitamin B6, vitamin B12, choline, iron, calcium, phosphorus and potassium.

4. Cheese (21 gr / 100gr)

Cheese is a food derived from milk that is processed with a variety of flavors and shapes. The nutritional value of the cheese itself is different. Protein content contained in 100 grams of cheese is 21 grams and calcium as much as 200 mg.

Some studies suggest that cheese can help prevent tooth decay. Proteins, calcium and phosphorus contained in cheese can help protect tooth enamel.

5. Wheat (16.g / 100 gr)

Wheat is a cereal that contains lots of protein nuts. Protein in wheat is almost equivalent to the quality of soy protein. Protein content of wheat ranges from 12 to 24% highest among other cereals. The protein contained in 100 g of wheat is 16.9 g.

In addition to protein, wheat also contains many carbohydrates, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B9, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc.

6. Rice (7.13 / 100 g)

Rice is the staple food of more than half the world's population. It is the main food energy source for 17 countries in Asia and the Pacific, 9 countries in North and South America and 8 countries in Africa. Rice provides 20% of the world's food supply, while wheat supplies 19% and corn 5% of the world's population.

An analysis states that the nutritional value contained in rice varies by species.

The source of protein that can be obtained from 100 g of rice is about 7.13 g. While the highest nutrient content of rice is carbohydrate as much as 80 g.

In addition to these two nutrients, rice also contains many vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Zinc. But remember yah, rice is a food that contains high calories.

7.Bam (2.9 g / 100 gr)

Spinach contains a lot of good nutrition for the body, in 100 grams of spinach we can get among carbohydrates of 3.6 g protein of 2.9 g iron 2.71 mg. And many more nutritional content in spinach, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, fat, potassium, and zinc.

8. Soybeans (36.49 g / 100gr)

Soy is considered a complete source of protein. Soy protein is equivalent to the protein produced by meat and eggs.

Experts say that soy products are excellent for replacing other animal products because soy has a complete protein, while animal products tend to contain more fat, especially saturated fats.

Soy produced protein is 36.49 g / 100 g soybeans. The processed form of soy itself is like tempeh, tofu, tofu, and soy milk.

9. Green beans (3.04 g / 100 gr)

Other protein content we can get from green beans. Where every 100 g can produce a protein of 3.04 g.

10. Almond (21.22 g / 100 gr)

Almonds are nutrient-dense foods and are a rich source of vitamin E, which contains 26 mg per 100 g. It is also rich in fiber, vitamin B, essential minerals such as magnesium, copper, manganese, calcium, and potassium as well as monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. While the protein content contained in 100 g of almond reached 21.22 g. This can prove that almonds are the kind of legumes that are worth consuming to meet the nutritional needs of the body.

11. Sunflower seed (20.78 g / 100 gr)

Sunflower seeds that we call quaci, it also has a high enough protein content. In every 100 grams it can produce 20.78 g protein. Usually we consume these flower seeds as a snack / snack.

In addition to protein, sunflower seeds also contain lots of carbohydrates, vitamins, and other useful substances.

12. Peas (25 g / 100 g)

The peas are very high in fiber. In addition it is also rich in protein and other vitamins. 100 g peas can produce 25 g protein.

13. Broccoli (2.82 g / 100)

Broccoli is a type of green vegetables that contain lots of vitamin C and fiber. Broccoli is a very useful source of substances for DNA repair in cells used to kill cancer cells in the body.

In 100 grams of broccoli, we can get the benefits of protein as much as 2.82 g of vitamin C as much as 30 mg.

14. Cow Milk (3.20 g / 100 gr)

Cow's milk is known to have the highest amount of calcium and has twice the protein content than other types of milk. There are two types of cow's milk (whole) with total calorie and total fat content compared to skim milk.

In every 100 grams of cow's milk we can get 3.20 g protein and 143 mg of calcium. There are many other nutritional content in cow's milk, fat, vitamins, carbohydrates, phosphorus, and iron. This nutrient content is very powerful as a weight gain food.

15. Goat's milk (8.7 g / 100 gr)

High protein content, goat's milk is very good for growth and the formation of body tissues. It is a source of cheap but high quality protein. In a serving of 100 g protein contains 8.7 g.

The fatty acid chain of goat milk is shorter than cow's milk making it easier to digest and absorbed by human digestive system. The content of kaprik and kapriliknya acid able to inhibit infection, especially caused by the fungus candida. Goat milk also contains no agglutinin is a compound that makes fat molecules clot like in cow's milk. That's why goat milk is easily absorbed by the small intestine.

16. Potatoes (2 g / 100 gr)

Potatoes are a type of tubers that contain lots of vitamins and minerals. In addition to these two ingredients, in potatoes we can get a source of protein that is very useful for our body. In serving 100 g of potatoes we can get 2g potato protein benefits. There are many more benefits that we can find in these plants because it is a low blood meal enhancer and bad cholesterol-lowering fast food.

Thus are some examples of protein sources, there are many other sources that can produce substances that are important enough for our body.
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Online shopping site in america

Some online shopping sites in the United States are worth your try

1. eBay
eBay.Com is an online multinational American shopping website where people buy and sell a wide range of goods and services around the world. With over 124 million active users worldwide, eBay is one of the largest online markets in the world, where almost anyone can buy and sell anything. eBay was founded in 1995 and has not been more than 500 million items listed on eBay.

2. Amazon

Amazon.Com is an international online American shopping company with headquarters in Seattle, Washington, USA. Initially, Amazon started their business by selling books online but now selling software, video games, electronics, furniture, toys, jewelry etc. Amazon has separate retail sites for USA, UK, France, Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain, Australia, Brazil, Japan, China, India and Mexico.

3. Mr Porter
MR PORTER adalah tujuan ritel online global untuk gaya pria. Ini diluncurkan pada bulan Februari 2011. MR PORTER saat ini beroperasi dari empat kantor di tiga benua. HQ adalah di London, dan perusahaan memiliki kantor di Manhattan dan pusat distribusi di London, New York dan Hong Kong.

4. Zappos adalah sepatu dan pakaian toko online saat ini berbasis di Las Vegas, Nevada. Sejak didirikan pada tahun 1999, Zappos telah berkembang menjadi toko sepatu online terbesar di dunia. Situs ini didirikan pada tahun 1999, tetapi pada tahun 2006 itu diakuisisi oleh Amazon. Sejak didirikan pada tahun 1999, Zappos telah berkembang menjadi toko sepatu online terbesar di dunia.

5. ModCloth

ModCloth adalah pengecer online Amerika terutama dibuat untuk menjual indie pakaian, aksesoris dan dekorasi. Perusahaan ini berkantor pusat di South San Francisco Kabupaten Market. pengecer online ini menjadi hidup sebagai sebuah website pada tahun 2002. Ini memiliki tema yang sangat menarik dan mudah untuk berbelanja produk pilihan Anda dengan hanya mencari mereka di bar pencarian atau dengan menavigasi ke kategori favorit Anda.
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